Check-in date*:

    Check-out date*:

    Choose Hotel*:

    Choose room*:

    Choose room*:

    Choose room*:

    Choose room*:

    Choose room*:

    Room Type*:

    Room Type*:

    Room Type*:

    Room Type*:

    Room Type*:

    Room Type*:

    Room Type*:

    Room Type*:

    Room Type*:

    Room Type*:

    Room Type*:

    Room Type*:

    Room Type*:

    Nr. of adults*:

    Children from 7 to 12 years:

    Children up to 7 years:

    Name and surname*:



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    Well-groomed skin protects the face from negative environmental influences and the consequent...

    By choosing the right body treatment your skin will be cleansed and vitalized, the unaesthetic...

    The center of any massage is the touch, which doesn't affect the skin only, but the muscles...

    Physical activity frees the mind and is a prerequisite for perfect physical...

    Sauna helps to strengthen the immune system and has a positive impact on health.

    Water gives your body an optimal support. While swimming, body weight and muscle stress spread evenly.

    01. fitness
    02. private
    03. entrance to pool
    04. information desk
    05. ventrance to saunas
    06. lobby
    07. wardrobe
    08. women toilets
    09. men toilets
    10. private

    11. private
    12. thermopack/undulation
    13. thermopack/floating
    14. massage room 1
    15. massage/care room
    16. bath
    17. massage room 5
    18. massage room 6
    19. private SPA
    20. massage room 3

    21. massage room 4
    22. private
    23. ayurveda room
    24. thai massage room
    25. thai massage room
    26. thai massage room
    27. solarium
    28. toilets
    29. mani/pedicure room
